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Speak The Truth

March 2, 2019 / By / Post a Comment

Speak the truth, even when it might not feel good to another person. Speak the truth, knowing the words may simply fill the air momentarily, only to fall on deaf ears. Speak the truth, at a time when all that sounds inviting to do, is stay quiet…

No, this hidden truth will haunt your being, wreak havoc on your cells, and call you to act one way or another. Staying silent brings power to the limitations we carry. Quieting our voice, only to appease another, will hurt you both; however, the words must be spoken from a place of unconditional love.

AHHH, but how does one achieve this when fury burns from within, raging to be let loose on that which has caused such unnecessary chaos. This chaos brought light in ways unimaginable, yet the residue left behind has stained the path forward…
Oh, with love, that is how.

I must find love for ALL aspects of this dark shadow that has come upon my path with such stormy weather. I must sing in the pelting rain and dance with the lightning, knowing the sun will shine it’s gloriously golden rays once again. Yes, I will bow to that which brought me to the edge of my own night and day; I will remain upon my knees, with grace and compassion as I sing my truth with honor, integrity and unconditional love.

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