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Take My Freedom, You Will Never Have My Power

June 12, 2021 / By / Post a Comment

The oppression is building with a pressure I am becoming more comfortable with as I know my power will never be taken away. I have felt oppressed most of my life, being a woman in a family of cowboy, ego-centric men, who often express how inferior women are. This game is something I know well, one that I have had to play in my career and in the world. My intention is to interact with this energy with grace, love, and compassion. I do not blame those who have been the oppressors or even those that have harmed me psychologically, spiritually, or physically, no I see their fractured spirits, just as I see today’s world, fractured with a deep state of fear.

No matter how many other human beings feel they have authority over my being, my decisions, and how I chose to exist on this planet, my inner-knowledge, intuition, and heart will always be my guide. No matter how much fear is thrown my way, I will see the truth and give thanks for the clarity. Until the day I am gifted the opportunity to transcend this body and earth, I will stand in my power, knowing this is within my spirit and cannot be taken away.

Fear and insecurity skew our vision and shifts how we show up. We will see things as if we have no control or that others or the universe are doing things to us. We will project on to others our inner-fears we have not taken the time to get to know or accept. We will lash out and claim our knowing is truth, yet the knowledge is hidden behind the fear, waiting to be witnessed.

There is not a single human, animal, plant, tree, or insect on this planet that will escape death. There is not a single human on this earth that will escape difficult or challenging situations, as this is our path, our journey here, as humans. Our spirit knows this, why do we ignore this inarguable truth? Why do we pretend – with such confidence – as though we can avoid this inevitable experience by taking a vaccine that may very well cause this death?

If a person determines they know their body, they are comfortable with death and have decided that medical intervention is not within their sense of truth, beautiful. If a person determines they want the vaccine, as they believe this will help them stay healthy, beautiful, that is their right and authority.

Perhaps it is time to face our fear of death.

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