Tradition and Reverence…
My eyes long to see, my body aches to feel and my heart cries with desire to once again know the traditions so deep they are what fuels my movement forward. Our heads have been lost to business, false realities, fantasies and distractions. Our hearts simply moan in agony as we miss the point day after day. Cancer, disease, labels of ailments penetrate the body as we continue to walk without reflection or knowing of why we are even here.
Mother Earth is here to facilitate this ugly, messy and all the while beautiful journey of exploration of “who” and “what” we are. Now, to simply begin the reflection we can also take up our shovels, to go inward on a trail filled with remembrance. Along this path, we are called to honor and respect what is shown. We are asked to see with the eyes of many before us, with us and ahead of us. This journey is NOT easy, nor is it filled with perfection or total ease, rather this calls for the courageous, reverent individuals whom honor traditions and process from a place of old knowledge.
Connect with the nature around us, no matter how little, big or different, merely lift the veil of ego to gaze past the deception to learn something you may not know… A tree stands with reverence, complete lack of ego, a deep understanding of tradition, all the while living, breathing and expanding. Are we not the same? Are we not here to learn from these masters? Yet we treat them as if they are here simply to provide for us and our basic, or frivolous needs. Today, honor this space with humility, understanding and acceptance of just how small we truly are in this life.
I call upon each of you to see your own heart and what it is asking you to see, that you have once denied or refused to look at. Sit in this space and be thankful for it is a glimpse of what you are here for. Even if we have been reflecting and honor as we “think” we know how, go further, do not stop and get caught with the idea you have achieved something great, as we have only begun.
Be patient, kind and understanding to your process, as you are the only one who really knows. This message comes with tremendous love and gratitude for the opportunity to share in this space. Thank you for being who you are, knowing the work is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for those wanting to achieve a certification (big smile), rather this is an individual journey only you will reflect upon in the moment your spirit leaves your body and this planet. Only you, therefore this is where your biggest, most important priority must become and remain.
Love and light to each of you!