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Our Thoughts Manifest Our World

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September 1, 2015 / By / Post a Comment

When our minds are polluted with a greater sense of negativity, worry, fear or hesitation our world around us reflects this. By a simple shift in your thoughts, things begin to change dramatically. No one is here to suffer or be under tremendous tension or stress. In fact, those are all things we asked for and upon the realization of this we can simply free the idea that it “MUST” be difficult.

Upon entering this earth we knew that our life was going to be filled with a tremendous amount of adventure and opportunity to expand and ascend. Some where along the path we got really caught up in the idea that these things happened “to” us, rather than “for” us and that led to us expecting that the next step would be followed with the same dialogue, when in fact that could not be further from our highest truth.

Now to be clear, those moments we get stuck and begin digging that hole to crawl into, this is something that we needed or had to experience at that time. All things happen as they are meant to, for that time and as you have created. Yes, we really do create our reality. So, beginning to consciously disconnect from the negative patterns and ideas that our life is always… will allow us to bring in positive manifestations.

Simply begin to acknowledge your thought patterns (I always get stuck in traffic, my kids are so disrespectful to me, or I feel like no one really understands me)… Let that thought cross your mind, several times in fact, then allow it to float out of your head and land somewhere else. Then begin to fill that space with the opposite of what you just let go (Traffic is going to be amazing this morning), allow your mind to actually experience this (full sensory, visual, hearing, smelling, how your body feels) and let it sit there for a moment until a smile of gratitude for this new gift you are about to receive today. Then walk through the rest of your day, knowing this will be the truth. As you sit in your car, zipping off to where ever it may be and traffic is smoother than ever, notice what happens in your body again and give tremendous thanks to your spirit team as well as yourself, as you just accomplished a major shift.

Continue applying this daily and watching the shifts take place. When you find yourself slipping back to that space when something happens to throw you off (Traffic again), then remind yourself that there must be a reason to have slowed a bit, turn on the music, ask for you guides to send a bit more patience and understanding in knowing this world was and in fact is created for you, by you.

Of course, this takes time, practice and a lot of commitment to honor what is really happening as well as own the part that each of us has in our lives. We are ultimately responsible for who we are as well as what happens throughout our life. Our thoughts become words and our words become action and our actions become the reality…

Books to consider in this area are:
Law of Attraction by Abraham Hick
E2(squared) by Pam Grout

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