The reigns of passion have tightened their hold, while the force begins to take coarse. Wildly scanning for any sense of comfort, a sudden realization; this too shall have an end. No matter the coarse ahead, the more fluid my grip, body movement and thoughts, the more of an adventure it becomes.
If only this energy space were harnessed before the fires began burning. If only the water had fallen from the sky in the moment the flicker of a flame began to take over, consuming all in its way. If only sudden thunder would bring a deep grounding to this space, forcefully stomping out the uncontrolled passion.
Ah, but this my friends is my truth… Yes, passion engulfs my being from time to time, leaving me standing scorched with intensity and ash to clean up. Rarely does it leave its beautiful flickering fire, yet when it does the potential devastation it can bring is deeply woven into the fabric of those witnessing or burned. For this, I own my passion fully, with grace, love and peace. Knowing my responsibility is to love all aspects of this fire within me.
Devastation is never my intention. My heart has learned to see the potential of the heat I produce. Most often bringing the fire to a smolder, nearly instantaneously, when the heat begins to create any kind of damage.
While my heart has also learned this fire comes with responsibility. One that is great! One that creates challenge in the deepest sense. This is the space I must work with daily and remember all of who I am, all of why I reside in this fleshy body and own fully what my responsibility is.
From one element to another… Know our hearts are lovingly intertwined. I call upon the water to help cool and bring and sustain life. I call upon the earth to contain this fire within the soil I was born. I call upon the winds to fuel my passion as my flames begin to slow. I call upon fellow flames to unite with grace, love and peace as we bring into this world a gift of rebirth and expansion.
Thank you! My head is bowed with honor and respect as we own our truth. May our dedication and work become a beacon of light, promoting unconditional love and understanding. From one element to another, “I love you!”