As the sun begins to meander over the horizon my internal clock activates my journey into yet another day. “This day will be great too,” I lovingly remind myself, half awake.
As my eyes peel away from one dimension to another, my body begins to lighten and find movement again. Recalling where I traveled with blurry details fading in and out, I reach for my water and begin to refuel my vessel. Awe… My being is awakened a bit more, as I continue to fill up and reflect upon my nightly adventure.
As my feet slide off the bed and hit the ground my human experience becomes all the more real. Today, like yesterday I will learn. I will learn to listen. I will learn to observe. I will learn to stop, step back and take a moment. I will learn to look in the mirror with more clarity and love. And finally, I will smile throughout my day, knowing my job is to learn!
The purpose of me being here, in this body is to simply learn from myself; how I experience the world through receiving and responding, all the while reflecting with love, compassion and acceptance. For this I will hold gratitude, while I smile and giggle at the adventure this opportunity is presenting.