Recent events have had me retreating a bit, taking careful note of how I can help, what I could possibly do and what is the importance. My heart aches for everyone, knowing we are all here, serving a purpose in one way or another. My mind gets caught up, yet I give thanks for this too, as I have much to learn still.
This life is perfect within the imperfection, as a very wise master once told me. For this I must appreciate and give gratitude for ALL. We are collectively creating a space for the truth to come to the surface. Now we must listen for our role, act when we are called upon and love every single being in the process, as we are all connected and a part of one another.
When we begin to deeply understand our connection to one another, who we are at our core and how we impact the world around us, change begins to occur in immeasurable ways. We all have within us a beautiful darkness and a glowing light. This is where we learn who we are, accept all aspects of who we are and heal what we have come here to heal.
As a person who is conscious of this path, awakened to our universal connections and feels the energy around us, we have a great responsibility to plant seeds with compassion, love and understanding. We must understand every person is here playing their role, doing the best with what they have and know to be the truth. If we, as conscious individuals cast judgment or jump into fear we become a part of the cycle, a part of the swirl that is trying to pull our love out of balance, continuing to allow fear to dominate.
Stand up for love! Stand up for the collective! Unity is important, while knowing we are teaching as well as learning still. Right now we are being shown so clearly the love and fear, pay close attention and you will see. Remember! We are all here to learn how to love ourselves unconditionally, as we can only love others with the amount of love we have within us… This is truly the single most important message I feel at this time and place!
Please love yourself, then send that love everyday, all day to your fellow beings trying to find their way. This will bring more love to every situation. Pray for ALL that have lost their lives, ALL who are angry, ALL who hate and do not know what they are doing… They are teachers! Teaching us, showing us, honoring a contract in this life! Bless them and embrace the lessons they bring to us!
I love you all! Truly! I send so much love from my heart and know this is not easy, but right…