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Celebrating Self

Personal Stories
August 28, 2016 / By / 1 Comment

Recently I celebrated my birthday and have so much gratitude for the shift within my being taking place. Years past I have not always looked forward to my birthday, thinking and remembering how often people forget (family), plans never seem to work out the way I might desire and so much more. Much of this comes from a childhood filled with broken promises, birthdays taken away as a punishment or simply forgotten all together.

This year, I nearly forgot my own birthday with life flying by so quickly. The day before I caught myself “remembering” and unintentionally setting the expectations for how this year would play out similar to years past. Consciously aware I stopped, smiled, thanked my thoughts and sat a moment. As I allowed the thoughts to drift on, I then allowed abundant love, sweet messages and joy to run through my mind.

Joy, sweet messages and beautiful souls blessed my entire day! I was shocked with my entire family remembering my birthday for the first time in my life! This has never happened and they ALL called me! Flowers were delivered by more than one source, to which I have also never had happen.

My adorable and magical husband made extra preparations to make the day spectacular. He arranged with my dearest friend and her husband to meet for a surprise dinner. My belly hurt from all the laughter and love shared, the food was out of this world and the joy that continues to resonate through my body even a few days later is such a sweet feeling.

This is a small example of how we can take conditions we have created for our lifetime and shift them. We do not have to remain in the patterns we find frustrating, disheartening or lacking of joy. While it is important to manifest what we do desire, there is equal importance in giving gratitude for the awareness of the pattern existing, as this has taught us many things.

Our hearts are meant to fly free with so much love, laughter and joy. When we find ourselves flying low or stuck in a tree we need to reflect upon the patterns we have created around us, take careful observation and begin to shift into a new flight pattern soaring above this place we have remained far too long.

I send tremendous love to everyone, knowing this process comes with challenge. My heart is full of joy knowing we are here to learn and grow as we allow ourselves!

1 Comment

  1. Terry Jordan says:

    Happy birth-day dear Torri. I’m so glad you were born!

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