swoooooosh, aaaah, swoooooosh
One wave after another, pulsing
Bringing in, taking away
Our own breath joining the rhythm of life
swoooooosh, aaaah, swoooooosh
Leaves singing in the winds
East, west, swooping to the north and south
Every hair follicle feeling the dance of life
Sssshhh, listen, observe and take pause
Sounds, patterns and images bringing a message;
we are all connected, sharing the same essence
Embrace the energy current of life
Mountains, peaks and valleys
Our earth we stand upon, a spectacular image
Curves upon our own body replicating her beauty
Sharing molecules, brothers and sisters of life
swooooooosh, aaaah, swooooooosh
Rivers twisting, turning through the valleys
Giving birth, facilitating death, completing cycles
Our own veins, wombs and inner world mimicking our great Mother
swooooooosh, aaaah, swooooooosh
Fiery rivers release with intention, purify with love
Cooling with beauty, lending another opportunity
Heated emotions replicating the flow of life
Giggles, tears, dancing, walking, peaceful thoughts
All similar, sounds, images, and patterns
We are all ONE
ONE are we all