My hands and knees covered in bruises and scrapes from the crawling, most often in the dark, searching for the calm. The darkness offers a reprieve from the noise and distraction in the light. Superficial wounds appear minuscule in the grand scheme of this journey; we all experience pain, as this seems to be a common part of our learning.
While the light has shown and the ground has become much softer, I feel the invitation back into the cave of darkness. Perhaps I will continue to crawl from one cave to the next while appreciating the fullness of each opportunity. The very essence of life has me on my humble knees both witnessing others and scooting along with my own self. With grace I both fall and riseā¦
No other person responsible for me, my internal process, or how I show up in this world, only I am able to distinguish what is the direction or step forward. As long as I think or speak of another being as an influencer or to blame for my actions or emotional response, I am still growing. I have not, yet fully embraced my ultimate journey; own my actions in every aspect and ripple unconditional love into the world, without hesitation or fail.