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Taking Pause…

Personal Stories
November 22, 2015 / By / Post a Comment

Over the last couple of days I have found myself talking about and remembering something that was not so long ago, yet forgotten for a while. This very thing was a deep passion, something that lit my inner fire with a fierce intensity. However, something halted this fire, the movement of the project and the idea of completing this dream. My heart, at the time, was sad and a little defeated, yet there remained this idea I would be back to visit one day.

Feeling a sense of simply needing to pause in my heart allowed me to truly let it go, completely. So much so, I found myself shocked at how much I had nearly forgotten this venture that I once poured my heart and soul into. This is not to say my heart and mind never visited the individuals who helped and shared this project’s passion periodically. In fact, I thought of those people a lot, but it was with tremendous gratitude for letting myself and the project fly for a bit, taking pause.

Pondering this recent reflection, sharing seemed necessary for a couple of reasons. Sometimes we unintentionally hang on so tight we literally squeeze the essence out of what we originally dreamed or desired. Sometimes we change, compromise and let go of things to please others, again potentially removing or watering down the passion of our initial vision… While all of this can be potentially felt in a variety of ways, as parents, as partners, creating a project at work, in our community or even something really big, like stepping out on our own with a business idea or writing a book, we must remember where it came from.

Remember with clarity, humility and from a place of surrender. As I feel into what is happening within my body as this venture is being reunited within me for one reason or another, I cannot help but feel absolutely at peace in knowing I had let it go, so it could return as it was meant to. Potentially with a different shape, as time has carved away and re-sculpted much of what may have been a struggle to begin with, now with unfurled wings and a fresh breath of life to breathe. My ego needed to take a break from all the work in trying to get the project going, rather allow the soul to come in and embrace the deeper essence of where this idea is meant to go.

We are all given beautiful gifts and ideas that can be followed through, handed to others or simply left as a thought. In this moment I feel my heart is reminding me with a gentle whisper, that we also need to see that “we” are not meant to force anything, as the effortless flow will happen as we create a space to become a transparent and pure vessel in which these projects take form. When resistance is brought, those are simple messages to step back, take note of where we are, what are our thoughts and what can we let go of knowing it may not have been for “us” to carry, rather present to others.

Our hearts will always guide us with this purity. Our minds will always provide the logic, however create distraction from our heart and path being shown to us. Creating a balanced acceptance of both mind and spirit, while reflecting upon each ones creation will only empower the path we walk upon. Denying either one creates an imbalance lacking in either purpose or love…

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