I am struggling to write lately. My mind seems to wonder off into other dimensions far more than I would like to admit, however my heart loves this travel. As the world continues to unravel I am impacted less and less, leaving me on a sideline observing. I recognize so many peoples pain, agony, worry and suffering, while I also see this as a choice they have made.
My instinct is to jump in and help, try to change their perspective and do all I can to assist them in this process. While this may seem noble, it is damaging to them, to me and the greater process. I am not greater then they and if I am asking before they are ready, no help will come. Instead we circle the very thing that needs to unfold.
So today, I hold space. I send bounteous amounts of love and healing energy into the air, so it may find those needing an extra lift. My pledge is to hold the seeds I have been given, nourish them with the deepest love and potency to be ready to give as I am called. The seeds then become the responsibility of those who choose to pick them up.
May we all cultivate the seeds we have been given and begin to see the strands of life so clearly, recognizing the power we have had all along.