Tears glide down my face and onto my chest, where the pain has become rhythmic. Pings of emotions filling my vessel, while simple confusion surrounds my mind. I must love deeper, more unconditionally and without hesitation.
Love alone can heal. Love alone can bring peace. Love alone can bring resolution.
I weep with love in my heart for this planet we exist upon. The babies, the sons, the daughters, the mothers, the fathers, the grandparents, the uncles, and the aunts. I call upon God, the Angels, and our divine guides to bring strength to every being. This strength, I ask to be filled with unconditional love and acceptance of who we are as individuals.
Please pray with me from now until this coming full moon on Tuesday. May our prayers be strong, may they be heard and met with such power a shifting will begin. Call upon our armies of love to infiltrate the fears we have given too much power. And offer these fears over to Grandmother Moon to transcend for all humankind.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! With this I send the sweetest love.