Permeating noise begins to take over all aspects of function and decision making. Doubt, unnecessary criticism, and hesitation bring an unavoidable drumming, rhythmic, yet sporadic and agitating. The entirety of said unraveling displays the duality from within, playing one to the other, as if a spectacular dance-off where happening, waiting to see which one shall prevail.
Laughter explodes, as the realization of the comedy in the ridiculous nature in which our minds can go so quickly, by such simple and seemingly pointless events. While the comedy keeps the movement forward and observation clear, those nagging streams of self-deprivation flicker with convincing evidence, supporting a lesser view of who I am and why I am here. Awareness of this process prevents a sharp fall off the cliff side.
Today I realize these ebb and flows of this human experience are here to guide us. Where our path has become dimmed, overgrown or perhaps we have begun to blaze a new trail entirely, to our own detriment. Yet, in one way it is divinely perfect, as we are learning, accepting and expanding our consciousness. This world is no longer what it once was, nor will it ever be. The structures in which we wake to every day are lacking significant truth or solid foundations, therefore these insecurities are showing us the existence of both worlds.
Sometimes the very thing we hold so tightly is what no longer serves us, impeding our progress in this lifeā¦ Thank you to my insecurities, as they reveal my inner duality.