Sometimes we all need a little encouragement and love. This comes on the fiery heels we have rolled into retrograde with. This space and time we are all sharing seems to have become treacherous within our minds; lending opportunity to unfold a greater part of who we are. While stunningly gorgeous, the energy holds a sacred place for dark reflections, thick and sticky thoughts as well as feeling alone or isolated.
Today, I simply extend my energy to the North, South, East and West, with a touch of love, warmth and a sparkling reminder we are never alone. While many of us travel these paths that feel so secluded, the truth reveals just how connected we are. Close your eyes, draw in the sweet air around you, exhale that which no longer serves you and drop yourself into this space of relaxation.
As your roots meander deeper into the earths core, listen without expectation, feel with surrender, smell with bliss and taste the gifts of love surrounding your being. Go even deeper, knowing this is where you are called to in this moment and time. Only credence existing in ones mind…
May your day be filled with tremendous love, ease and knowing you are thought of frequently with sweetness. XOXO
Thank for that eloquently stated reminder?❤️?