Following up with yesterdays post, I wanted to offer a few exercises to bring us back to a grounded space when things seem to go sideways. Every situation is a little different and each of us has a very unique way in how we handle stress, emotions, crisis or any other fun event life has to offer. Continuing to dig and learn who we are and how we typically respond is potentially the most critical for reflection and shifting of energy.
In the heat of the moment, remember “who” you are. Stop, close your eyes, no matter where you are or who is around, just stop. Take a couple deep breaths and feel your body, feel your connection to the ground and Mother Earth. Stay in this space until you feel a slightly heavy feeling within your body. In this moment, remember who you are, give yourself permission to feel the emotions, respond with your heart and be patient.
Practice and time will bring a quicker connection and deeper understanding of what you need to do in each event. Going through the range of emotions and learning to process are all part of the human experience. The more we practice this exact thing in all we do in life, the more prepared we are to go deeper, understand ourselves and live a life filled with peace.
Finding the perfection within the imperfection! We will never be perfect, rather we are learning about these imperfect, human emotions. These emotions are a part of who we are, so it is time to understand them in a deep way. Even those who are extremely calm in everyday life can go deeper, learn more and practice this space of understanding our responses while moving into a heart-spaced reaction.
Thank you for traveling this path of love! XOXO