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Death And Rebirth

Personal Stories
December 23, 2016 / By / 1 Comment

Once again, a layer has been peeled back, burning away. Waiting for the smolder to clear, revealing the wings I shall take flight with next. Only, this time the layer having been peeled back is the DNA I came into this world with.

More naked than I shall ever be able to articulate. My truth is no longer hidden, even in the slightest. Darkness exposed in the light, light dimmed within the darkness; Parity in full embodiment.

Invisible to many, as this layer has now vanished in the ashes I now stand upon. Illuminated in a place of purity, truth and love, as these are the wings I now grow. My flight will take course from a place I will never again stand, nor will I have the ability return.

I shall take a moment today and feel the gravity of what has begun to take form. My head will remain in a place of reverence and humility as my heart feels a sense of grief and sadness. In this reality I fit no longer…

1 Comment

  1. Annie says:

    You are the Phoenix ❤️🔥💫

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