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Bold Moves… (Parenting Life)

ParentingPersonal Stories
April 8, 2016 / By / Post a Comment

The term “parenting” comes with loaded expectations, judgements, rights, wrongs and everything in between. Many books I have read or discussed with other parents seem to present a “one way” of going about parenting, yet I am not sure it could be that simple. My heart continues to straddle this fence of following social expectations or simply living consciously and reflectively.

More often than not the final destination is spirit-led and in alignment with exactly what is needed in that moment. However this comes with great pressure, questions, deep reflection of what is really the “best” or “right” answer. Honestly, my gut/body always tells me, it just seems I need to take a bit longer getting the final answer, only returning to the original. 🙂

We all have ideas to share, cool experiences and things that work with our own children, yet there seems to be this common thread missing. The things we do NOT want to talk about as parents, grandparents, friends or people; what if the “normal” parenting does not work? What if there is conflict simply because two souls are meant to have this conflict and find a way to work it out in this lifetime? What if there is a soul in a little body here to teach the entire family, yet we are trying to teach him/her and completely missing the point? This list of questions could truly go on for an entire post, more later perhaps.

This all came to mind in a conversation I had with a friend the other day. She and I were talking about a current situation in our home with our children. During this conversation I found myself being more honest with my inner emotions and reflections than I had ever been. This particular friend is very aligned with conscious living and living a spirit-led life, therefore it was easy to share in this way. She was also asking a lot of really valid questions, to which I answered from my heart, rather than hesitation or planned responses.

In this conversation I caught myself wondering why I cannot speak of many of these ideas with those close to me or even those who seem to have strong opinions about the way my husband and I parent.

The answer: the true feelings and the root of conflict/deep emotions are not easy to talk about. They are loaded with potential disconnects, disagreements, our own junk and so much more. So, we avoid vulnerable conversations, no matter how “honest” we think we are being, instead having carefully thought out discussions with planned details being shared, knowing certain things are simply off limits, for the time being.

This feels inauthentic, frustrating, and sometimes creates a deeper problem within itself. Due to this process, at times, I have began to feel inadequate, questioning my own core, as a facilitator of these little souls and wonder if I was really meant for this job in the first place. Funny how little things can lead to bigger issues.

I am meant for this. They chose me, even the two little ones who came into my life after they had chosen a different mom who transcended early. They are here to teach me, share with me, as I am here to reflect, honor the feelings and continue working on myself and much of this has to do with myself more than them.

This is where it gets sticky or good, depending on the perspective. Second post tomorrow! Sit in this for a moment and ask yourself if you struggle with any of what has been shared. Maybe you have something you really wish you could share, but fear the response or worry your thoughts are too harsh, not loving or simply inappropriate for a parent to “think” let alone say.

Well, this is something I am feeling called to talk more about, as it is important to who we are, how we walk into this life as souls and what this means to our journey as well as the souls we are facilitating. This does not exclude those parents who have adult children! No, in fact they are often the ones needing to have these conversations more than ever! So, let’s have them! Please tune in tomorrow for the follow up! It is only just beginning.

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