All hearts are stuffed with Joy and Love!
Gifts of laughter and connection nicely tucked under our wings.
Angels dusting peace and harmony to and fro.
Happy faces sparkle as love is spread.
Warmed hearts expand with cups of joy overflowing.
Dancing with glee, soaking in bliss!
For one day, may our world experience harmony in every corner.
For one day, may our world know the truth of our reality.
For one day, may our hearts see our world as only love.
Exposed we are with broken barriers and shattered judgements.
All the same, naked we stand, all the same, love we need.
Lay down our weapons, open our hearts and bring bliss upon us!
Dancing, singing,laughing!
Only love exists, without hesitation
Bells on bobtails ringing in this new existence!
And so it is! A very Merry Blissmas
Torri,Thank you for these beautiful, heartfelt words and always spreading your bliss!! Love and joy to all❤️