Throw caution to the wind and do something brave and out of character today. Seize the moment of now to express your truth, acting on something you otherwise would brush past or ignore completely. Dig deep, find the courage to let loose with the words you have never spoken, but often think of or follow through with something you only dream of, but could not imagine taking the risk, as the perceived consequence has always felt too great.
This is not a time to self-destruct, rather continue with the gorgeous architecture of one’s self. Be creative, knowing this is your journey and yours alone. No one is responsible at the end of this life, but YOU. So, today is a beautiful day to take on a momentous opportunity and soar through the sky with limitless energy as we are truly meant to.
Maybe something small on this day and tomorrow a little more. Either way, push yourself out of that comfort zone. You are the only one holding yourself back.
You are brave!
You are powerful!
You are safe and protected!
You are loved beyond measure!
Embrace the now!