Fellow Americans - Sakira Fire

From one heartbroken human to another, I am sorry. Sorry for the sadness, sorry for the anxiety, sorry for the uncomfortableness, sorry for the disruption, sorry for the anger and rage and I am sorry we had to get to this place to learn… We do not stop unless shit gets real. We do not change until we have no other choice.

From one heartbroken human to another, I am happy! This means we are going to shift! This means we are going to finally have to admit the ugliness that exists within our country and the hearts of many! This means we are uniting together in a way we would never otherwise. This means our lives are forever changed!

Instead of sucking up the emotions, let them out! Share them with others, explaining the raw feelings that have spun from your very core, helping others heal through your own vulnerability. Those emotions traveled far to be seen, heard, felt and finally expressed. Give them their glory, as they are the core of why we are where we are.

Stand up in a way you have never stood before! Understand your own privilege and humble yourself when you see others less privileged; give more of who you are in those moments, offer assistance with grace in whatever way you can. DO NOT let the hatred infiltrate your being taking over those emotions or desires preventing you from becoming the empowered person you are meant to be. No! Instead, thank the rage/anger when it comes and turn it to love for whatever you are angry at or about. Give gratitude for this every time, knowing it is brought to you as a gift of reminder.

Now, close your eyes after reading this… Let it sink in. read it again, again, again and again. This is your responsibility as much as it is mine, his and hers. Finding harmony in this chaos will only make us stronger, impacting the rest of the world!