Working With Personal Trauma - Sakira Fire

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Working With Personal Trauma
October 13, 2018 @ 9:30 am - October 14, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
This workshop offers new ways to look at and work with trauma. My personal journey has taught me so much along the way I feel sharing some of the tools and experiences are important and powerful for our collective. I am a sound healer who works with shamanic practices from both North and South American traditions. This workshop will include teachings, meditations, rituals, mantras and personal insights from both my own journey as well as those whom I have been incredibly blessed to learn from throughout my life.
We will have an opportunity to reflect on personal trauma and how it shows up in our life, body, and spiritual journey. We will learn how to identify, work with, and begin to heal some of those spaces holding on so tight. The class will be held two days in a row from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. with a 45minute, collective lunch we will all share. Each participant will receive sacred items to help with clearings, intentions, rituals, and practices during and following the workshop.
This will include:
- Grounding spray
- A list of mantras, rituals, and practices in the form of a journal
- Salt Scrub
- Herbal bath mixture
This collective group will build an offering to the land, where each of us will place physical items representing what we would like to let go, as a collective with gratitude for what that event brought to our life. This offering will be built collectively and returned to the earth by burial or fire. This will happen on the final day of class and each person is asked to bring something to contribute to this:
Suggested items:
- flowers
- candies
- sage
- tobacco
- herbs/seeds/others
Items to bring:
- Comfy clothes, journal, yoga mat
- Heart stone (if you do not have one, please let me know and I will explain further)
- Something light and nourishing to share with the group at lunch
- Any sacred items for the collective altar we will build together
The cost of this workshop will be two different prices:
Workshop: $222/person (includes both days and sacred items)
Workshop Plus: $333/person (includes above and 2 personal check-ins following the workshop and a 1-hour individual session)
Please notify me for payment options. Thank you so much and I look forward to working with each and everyone of you!