Believe In You! - Sakira Fire

Today I simply ask you to believe in yourself. Trust who you are, beyond what others have placed upon you. Know the person you have stared at your entire life is out of this world gorgeous inside and out! Those blemishes and imperfections are proof you exist in this world where we are asked to continuously find our core and trust this beyond anything else.

Those days we loose our cool, moments we break down without explanation, mornings we cannot seem to drag ourselves out of bed to only do it all over again are all proof we are succeeding in this human experience. We are learning our essence with more clarity each day. We are deeply connecting with the human emotions and sensations allowing us to evolve beyond what we once knew.

Every gray hair, freckle, sun spot, wrinkle, curve and gorgeous body tells a story. One with challenge, hardship, joys, and incredible triumph. Our purpose is to find the triumph within the moment of challenge or hardship, not live as if those moments defines us. While it is fun to sit in a moment of despair, distress, overwhelm and exhaustion we are not meant to stay long, as we have far more to travel.

We are building the internal muscles full of unconditional support and love. With each bump we advance to the next round knowing the next opponent will always be ourself. For this alone, we must simply believe in ourselves as we are not only our individual challenge, but also our strength, courage and empowerment!